If you miss the character creators found in most RPGs in Minecraft, then you are in luck, as the More Player Models 2 Mod adds just that, along with a bunch of other features.
More Player Models 2 is a complete rewrite of the older More Player Models. This version is improved upon and has more features, basically, it is better than its predecessor in every aspect.

This mod allows you to better customize your character by giving you an in-game character creator accessible by pressing “F6”.
Here you can change your height, skin, add features, limbs, hair, and much more, ensuring that your character has an unique and distinct look.
Important: the More Player Models 2 Mod requires Minecraft Forge.

The mod also gives you the ability to change into any mob in the game, adds animations your character can do, similar to many MMOs (such as /wave, /dance, /sit, /sleep, /wag, /angry, /cry, /bow, /hug, /crawl etc.).
Chat bubbles are also added to the game through this mod, making communication easier and more fun.
Furthermore, the first item in your toolbar will now be shown on your back, which is just cool, and helps with immersion.
Finally, new tooltips are added to the current item you are holding.
So basically, this mod adds a bunch of stereotypical RPG/MMO features to the game for your enjoyment!
It’s fun, easy to use, and pretty impressive, worth a look for anyone wanting to change their character just a tiny bit (as well as for the other cool features).

How to install the More Player Models 2 Mod for Minecraft:
- Download the mod.
- If you don’t have Forge, then download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Open your minecraft folder (in Windows: Start -> Run -> “%appdata%\.minecraft”).
- Copy the mod .jar, file(s) you downloaded to the “mods” folder found inside the .minecraft folder.
- That should do it, you are now ready to better customize your character!
Here is a funny video showcasing the mod: