In this awesome seed, you spawn at the top of a cool island that makes up an entire island all on its own. The mountain is mostly savanna, but it features some very cool geography, and the mountain stretches on beyond the clouds!
Seed info
Seed ID: -969535336
World Type: Default
Spawn: X: 9.5 / Y: 116 / Z: 8.5
Minecraft version: Minecraft 1.8+ (tested in Minecraft 1.8.4)

The mountain itself is really cool, and features some of the coolest geography I’ve seen generated in vanilla Minecraft yet. It has holes, waterfalls, lavafalls, and everything you need to create a pretty damn awesome base! And since it’s an island in itself, it’s perfect for any super villains new lair!
The oceans surrounding the mountain isn’t empty either, as you will find several ocean monuments in the waters near it. The first one is pretty much right next to the mountain.

Moving south from this monument, and you will find another, but before venturing into the waters and trying to conquer the temples, you should probably make sure you have potions, food, and adequate gear.

The third ocean monument is found to the north east of the mountain, and again, has many guardians guarding it, so traversing the waters around the mountain can quickly end up in the players death!

A very neat chasm is also near the mountain island, where a lavafall and waterfall touches each other, several mine-shafts crop out, and it gives easy access to some ore found in the lower levels. Just be mindful of any mobs wanting to put your head on a stick.

You will find a mainland somewhat far north, with plenty of trees, some mushrooms, and deserts as well. We didn’t manage to locate any jungle or interesting temples, but we did manage to find a very picturesque mountain range, shown here.

By far the biggest feature of this seed is the mountain you spawn right next to, it looks cool, has useful waterfalls and lava nearby, and is generally just a perfect spot to make an awesome base. It is a shame there’s no villages or temples in the immediate vicinity though, so no easy items from the get go. But if you like a small challenge, then that is not an issue.